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Overview of projects made using JavaScript

Simple projects made using JavaScript


Digital Clock | Live Gradient Changing Effect

Displays live hour, minutes, seconds and milli-seconds. Gradient Changing effect.


Simple Counter | Modern UI

It's a basic counter made using increment and decrement functionality. Also it prevents negative values.


Background Color Switcher

It simply switches the background color as user clicks on the button. Colors stored in array.


Emoji Flicker | Something Lazy Fun

Flickers the emoji as happy to sad and vice versa as we click on it. Do checkout once.

Projects Based on API


Country Search App

Simple country search app built using HTML, Bootstrap and JavaScript. API Used Rest Countries


Live Weather App

It's a simple web page which fetch live weather data of the city entered by the user using open Weather API.


Google Map API

It's built using Google map API. Points on single location/coordinates. Uses Google Cloud Platform.


Job Finder Website

It fetch dummy JSON data and allow feature to search within the content displayed. It can developed by using live APIs.

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